Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How’s My GAME Plan

The Progress Toward The Goals in My GAME Plan
My Association representative in my school informed teachers that in August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2011, the Summer Technology Integration Institute in Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, will be holding free professional development conference for New Jersey Education Association members, but on first come first serve basis. This would be perfect for me as I progress towards my goals in my GAME plan.

The one modification I would like to make is searching the internet for video tutoring and demos. I’m finding that there are numerous demos on how to use various technology equipments such as smart boards, clickers, graphic calculators, etc. Also there are video tutors on how to use software like Excel and Publisher. One of the videos is located here at which an introduction to Excel.

To presently engage my students in a small self directed science activity to solve authentic real world problems, I will assigned my students in groups of threes a two period construction project on building a recreational outdoor park that will produce a greener community for their make believe community. They will sketch out their scaled park on poster board with the measurement clearly labeled and a legend at the bottom. Students will show their creativity by naming their small town, and deciding what will be in there outdoor park. They will download sample pictures of items that promote green on their thumb drives. The hope is, through research, students will find that trees, ponds, no smoking areas, recycle cans, play areas etc. will promote a greener environment. They will present their sketch and photos through VoiceThread. Presentation may take two more periods.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Carry Out My Action Plan

To carry out my GAME plan as express in my last post; it would be a good idea to attend workshops, conferences and expositions dedicated to technology integration or developing a technology-enriched learning environments. International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) annual conference and exposition offers just that, by rotating throughout the United States to different cities yearly, and providing much need technological skills to educators, (NETS-T 2008.) Attending these types of events is a good way to stay on the forefront of utilizing modern up to date technology to improve learning and teaching. Educators can socialize, share common experiences, and ideas with each other. Some of the professional development skills at these conferences can be utilized right away in the classroom. The different vendors offer on site demos of education programs which many are independent computer tutorials.

I will look into Neural Networks that influence learning. (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009) states that the three Neural Networks, Recognition, Strategic, and Affective Networks incorporates aspects of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework into your instruction in order to provide students with greater access to learning using the theories of how the brain reacts to various activities, such as multi media, music, video, and many other activities. I believe that digital media can provide teachers with the flexibility to reach the different levels of students in the classroom, therefore differentiated instruction can be obtained easier with UDL.

Another resource I feel will help me fulfill my “GAME Plan” is to customize my classroom environment with authentic real world activities that will produce meaningful learning. Allowing students to be creative and self directed when constructing their projects will help my students put the responsibility on themselves. I think students understand the content better when they are self directed and required to express their learning using technology of their choice such as PowerPoint, web cast, Publisher, and multi media software.

I am presently learning how to use Excel through help with my colleagues at school. I have played with some of the functions within Excel just to get a feel of it. I believe Excel offers so many tools that will help me master my craftsmanship in the class and stimulate learning by my students.


National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful Classroom use: A standards-based approach (Laureate Education custom edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Developing Your Personal GAME Plan

The two goals I selected for strengthening my confidence and proficiency from the indicators in the National Education Standards for Teacher (NETS-T) located at the International Society for Technology in Education ( (ISTE) web site are:

2b: To develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

2c: To customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

My GAME Plan:

Goal 1: To engage students in self directed instruction to solve authentic real world problems through the use of various technologies. This goal will be incorporated into the middle school science curriculum.

Goal 2: Students will be able to use learn more about computer tutorials developing critical and creative thinking skills, (Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer 2009.) This goal will be incorporated into the middle school science curriculum.

Take Action 1: I will subscribe to educational blogs related to science and technology. I will take professional development workshops addressing the content of our science curriculum materials and our state frameworks so there are clear expectations for the middle school level. I will continue to motivate students to model and demonstrate their understanding of course material through the use of technology.

Take Action 2: Practice using computer tutorials throughout the web outside the content area to get a feel of tutorials. Look for and preview middle school science tutorials on the web. Assign students to various science tutorials on the middle school level.

Monitor 1: Review the progress of developing technology-enriched learning environments in my classroom. Determine the extent to which the characteristics listed in indicator 2b, are being used in my class. Make a check list to see if students are making progress towards indicator 2b.

Monitor 2: Review the progress of customizing and personalizing learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles. Determine if indicator 2c is being addressed by examining the work strategies used by students, and abilities to use tutorial resources.

Evaluate and Extend: Assess if I met my goals to whether the indicators I picked are being utilized in my classroom through observation. Assess if technology is bolstering a rich learning environment and students are exhibiting excitement about their participation in the education process. I will continue to seek new science and technology skills being used in education through professional development. Continue to master the craftsmanship of using technology to enrich learning in my classroom as needed.


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), (2008). National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach (Laureate Education custom edition).