Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

I have watched some of the tutorials to help learn Excel. I have to admit that I am a beginner, so the first video helps me very much because it was made for beginners which were called, “Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #1 – Overview,” located at The second video is called,
“Excel Spread Sheet Basics - Using a Formula,” located at As I watch the videos, I match every move the instructor made. I felt like I was getting hands on experience. I learn that the button that operates AutoSum works like magic. Just watching the first video I all ready feel like an expert. The second video dealing with formulas seemed easy too, but I see if you don’t use Excel on a regular basis, you can forget many of the steps.

I know chalkboards will be obsolete in the near future as new school buildings are being built with SMART Board interactive whiteboards. I have no experience with them but they are a few in our building, but guarded under tight supervision. One computer teacher will let fellow teacher to use her computer lab at times, but the SMART Board is off limits. I guess I can understand that the teachers that the SMART Boards were assigned to, don’t want just anybody to use them. They are a great tool to be used by teachers and students. Before my students are allowed to use them, I must learn something about them. Video tutorial worked excellent with Excel because I had access to the program. I don’t have the same access with a SMART Board. I know it is better to get hands on experience. Not only would I like to get trained to use SMART Boards, I like to use them. Should I just forget that dream and move on. Am I just wasting time holding on to that dream? Or is there something else I’m missing? Colleagues, what to do?


  1. You might want to talk to the school about looking into a new piece of technology. It is known as an Epson bright link projector. It is about half the price of a smart board and it will work on any smooth surface wall or white board. I just had mine intstalled and love it. If they show interest you may be able to talk them into letting you pilot it for the school. I know that is oemthing that we did at our school.


  2. I had not thought about checking youtube for tutorials... That is an excellent idea. I am a visual learner and that would be a perfect way to get info... I am also a beginner at excel and it frustrates me when I use it so I will definitely be checking out the links you posted. Thanks...

    Regarding the smartboard--My system is even more archaic than yours. I do not know of any schools in the system with smartboards. You have some in the buildig- right? To get that hands on experience I would simply ask the teacher(s) that have been assigned the technology if they could give you some training. Mention your Masters program and tell tem you would be thrilled if they would show you how they use it in the classroom. I think they would ablige. However, I do not know the teachers:0)

    Another place to get hands-on use would be at conferences. Smartboard people always have a booth set-up and are willing to let you navigate or "play around" for a fair amount of time. Granted it is not nough, but my last conference I sat back and watched several people on the smartboard and it was worth my while... If my county ever decides to go the route of upgrading technology.
